I have played almost 20 hours of No Man’s Sky so far and I have to say, I’m still on the fence about it. When the game was announced, it seems that I missed the memo about all the cool stuff that is supposed to be in the game and as such my expectations were not as high as someone who saw the trailers and jizzed in their pants.
Review: American Gods
When I picked up ‘American Gods’ by Neil Gaiman, I was unsure of what to expect. I had been eyeing off his books for months and heard good things about his work. So, with courage built up, I took the plunge.
Factorio: Why You Should Play It
Three months ago I came across this little gem in the Steam Store. I was initially intrigued by the premise: man is shipwrecked on hostile alien world and must get back in to space by building a factory. The game was in early access and priced at a reasonable twenty dollars. I was hesitant because early access games are a mixed bag, but after checking the overwhelmingly positive reviews I thought that I would give it a go.