Have you ever realised that you have too much of anything? I did a couple of days ago when I started sorting my Magic: the Gathering collection again. I have already taken the time previously to sort them all by colour then alphabetically, however there are a lot of cards I will probably never play. Almost six thousand of them. So the time has come to cut back the collection.
First Impressions: No Man’s Sky
I have played almost 20 hours of No Man’s Sky so far and I have to say, I’m still on the fence about it. When the game was announced, it seems that I missed the memo about all the cool stuff that is supposed to be in the game and as such my expectations were not as high as someone who saw the trailers and jizzed in their pants.
False Start
In a disappointing turn of events, no one got back to me about the game I was supposed to be running yesterday. That is okay though, because that gives me more time to prepare, and coincidently, more time to write.
Which is why I’m playing games instead, and checking my banking, and reading the news. Oops.
A New Adventure
On Wednesday I will be starting a Pathfinder adventure of my own design and I’m pretty excited about it. It has been a while since I have run or played any kind of RPG, so I am feeling a little nervous and I hope my story will be robust enough for my players to enjoy themselves.
In other news I was awoken by the most awful noise this morning and discovered that the washing machine has a mind of its own, having decided to march itself across the laundry to visit the sink. I think it is trying to tell me something, judging by the mess on the floor.
Review: American Gods
When I picked up ‘American Gods’ by Neil Gaiman, I was unsure of what to expect. I had been eyeing off his books for months and heard good things about his work. So, with courage built up, I took the plunge.
Factorio: Why You Should Play It
Three months ago I came across this little gem in the Steam Store. I was initially intrigued by the premise: man is shipwrecked on hostile alien world and must get back in to space by building a factory. The game was in early access and priced at a reasonable twenty dollars. I was hesitant because early access games are a mixed bag, but after checking the overwhelmingly positive reviews I thought that I would give it a go.
Change is Good
I would describe theses last few weeks as having gone by in a fleeting manner. It has been a period of adjustment, as I leave one job and start another.
For the last two years I have been a bartender, gaming attendant and more recently, a casual duty manager. I have taken a leap and changed jobs, taking up a full time position as a duty manager at a new workplace. Whilst it is a scary thing to do, I ultimately needed to do it to further myself. I felt that I had learned as much as could be learned there and it was time to move on.
I have also begun learning Japanese. It seems an odd thing to do at a time like this, but it’s a move made out of love as my girlfriend has begun to learn a new language. It feels great to be able to assist her endeavours.
I’m looking forward to the coming months as the exciting new changes begin to bear fruit and provides more opportunities to explore.
100 Word Challenge
So the new year has arrived in style, and with it, the resolutions of many to get in shape, drink less booze and be nicer to everyone. All admirable aims.
However, I have chosen to do something a little different: being proactive about bettering my craft. To this end I have resolved to write one hundred words every day until the end of the year, at which point I might increase the number.
It works like this: I write one hundred words. Pretty simple, eh? If I miss a day, it gets added to the next day. If I write more than one hundred words, I don’t subtract them from the next day – that would lead to becoming complacent.
And who knows, I might just have a novel written at the end.
Getting Away
So I’m off to Melbourne for a few days and I’m going to have a good time. I thought I was off to a bad start when I endured my first rotten Uber experience, but hopefully that has not set the tone for the rest of the trip.
Looking forward to getting some writing done.
The Not So Big Secret
In the midst of a book signing in the Spring of 2024, a young man named Evan came to visit. He had a nervous spring in his step and a quiet energy that demanded I pay attention. When he spoke, he did so with a soft intensity. He did not seem the kind of person who shouted to make himself heard and so I leaned in close as he explained the hitch in his plans to conquer the world.